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Teething troughs for farm animals: buy high-quality troughs now

Teething troughs: Efficient drinking solutions for pigs

When it comes to providing your animals with a reliable and effective source of drinking water, bite drinkers are the ideal solution. These special drinkers are designed so that animals, especially pigs, get water simply by biting. This ensures that they always take in enough liquid, which is crucial for their health and well-being.

Bite nipple: simplicity and efficiency

The teat nipple is an essential part of many teat drinkers. It allows animals to obtain water simply by biting. This is particularly popular with pigs as it suits their natural way of drinking and ensures a continuous supply of water.

Spray nipples and drinking bowls

There are different ways in which animals can take water from drinking troughs. In addition to the classic nipple, there are also spray nipples that allow a fine spray of water. Drinking bowls, on the other hand, are a shallow water source that is particularly suitable for piglets as they are easier to access.

Optimal care for piglets and adult sows

Whether for newborn piglets or adult sows - these drinkers offer the right solution for every age and size. They ensure that each animal receives enough water, which is essential for optimum health and productivity.

FAQ - Bite drinkers

Why are teething drinkers particularly suitable for pigs?
Bite drinkers correspond to the natural drinking habits of pigs. The biting mechanism allows them to take in water easily and efficiently, ensuring their hydration.

What is the difference between a teat nipple and a spray nipple?
While bite nipples release water through the animal's bite, spray nipples atomize the water into fine droplets, providing a different drinking experience.

Are teat drinkers suitable for animals other than pigs?
Although designed primarily for pigs, teething troughs can also be used for other animals that have similar drinking habits. However, it is important to consider the needs and habits of each animal.

Buy your ideal drinkers online now at Agrarzone Shop.

Beißtränken: Effiziente Trinklösungen für glückliche Tiere

Beißtränken bieten eine zuverlässige und effektive Trinkquelle für Deine Nutztiere, besonders für Schweine. Durch den einfachen Beißmechanismus können Tiere stets ausreichend Wasser aufnehmen, was für ihre Gesundheit und ihr Wohlbefinden entscheidend ist. Diese robusten Tränken sind leicht zu montieren und sorgen dafür, dass Deine Tiere immer hydriert bleiben. Der Beißnippel ermöglicht eine einfache und effiziente Wasseraufnahme, die der natürlichen Trinkweise von Schweinen entspricht. Ob für neugeborene Ferkel oder ausgewachsene Sauen, Beißtränken bieten für jede Lebensphase die passende Lösung.

Erfahre mehr und entdecke die perfekte Beißtränken für Deine Tiere!