The best for small rodents: all-round care for rabbits, guinea pigs & co.
Rodents are popular pets that win many hearts with their curiosity and playful character. To make them feel completely at ease, they need species-appropriate housing, high-quality food and loving care. At you will find everything you need to provide your little pets with the best possible care.
Small animal home - a cozy retreat
The small animal shelter is much more than just a cage for rodents. It is their home, their retreat and their playground. It should therefore be spacious, safe and comfortable. Our selection of small animal homes offers the right domicile for every rodent.
Small animal toys and care - for activity and well-being
Rodents are curious and active by nature. With the right small animal toys, they can indulge their playfulness and keep themselves occupied. Regular small animal care is also important to ensure the well-being of your animals and keep them healthy.
Cage cleaning, hygiene and rodent food - the basis for a healthy rodent life
A clean living space is essential for the health of rodents. Products for cage cleaning and hygiene ensure a clean environment. The care is rounded off with high-quality rodent food that contains all the important nutrients and is tailored to the needs of the animals.
FAQ - Rodents
- FAQ 1 - Which small animal home is right for my rodent?
- The ideal small animal home offers sufficient space, protection and opportunities for activity. The size and equipment should be tailored to the specific needs of each rodent.
- FAQ 2 - How often should I clean the small animal home?
- Regular cage cleaning and hygiene are crucial for the health of your rodent. It is recommended to clean the cage at least once a week and more often if necessary.
- FAQ 3 - Which food is suitable for my rodent?
- There is special rodent food for different rodent species. Choose a food that is tailored to your pet's specific nutritional needs and supplement it with fresh vegetables and hay.
Whether you are a beginner in rodent keeping or already an experienced keeper - at you will find everything you need for your little friends.
Nagetiere: Rundum-Versorgung für Deine kleinen Lieblinge
Entdecke eine Welt voller Möglichkeiten, um die Bedürfnisse deiner kleinen Nager zu erfüllen. Hochwertiges Zubehör für Nagetiere bietet nicht nur artgerechtes Futter, sondern auch spannendes Spielzeug und komfortable Ställe. Deine Kaninchen, Meerschweinchen und Co. werden es lieben, in ihrem neuen Zuhause zu spielen und sich zu entspannen. Mit unserer Auswahl kannst du sicherstellen, dass deine kleinen Freunde glücklich und gesund bleiben. Qualität und Vielfalt stehen dabei an erster Stelle.
Stöbere jetzt durch die Kategorie Nagetiere und finde alles, was das Herz deiner kleinen Nager begehrt!