Cat feeder


Automatic cat feeder: Convenient and controlled feeding for your beloved cat

Discover our cat feeder that makes life easier for you and your cat. With our automatic cat feeder, you can precisely control feeding times and ensure that your cat always has fresh food available. Our cat feeder offers a convenient solution for busy cat owners who want to ensure their cats are fed sufficiently and regularly. With high-quality materials and simple operation, our cat feeder is the perfect addition to any cat household.

Pet supplies: everything your cat needs

Our pet supplies include a diverse selection of products that are specially tailored to the needs of cats. From scratching posts and cozy cat beds to interactive toys - we have everything you need to make your cat's life comfortable and entertaining. With high-quality pet supplies, you can ensure that your cat has all their important comfort and safety needs met.

Cat accessories: practical additions for everyday cat life

Our cat accessories offer you practical solutions for everyday life with your cat. Discover a variety of products such as litter trays, transport boxes, scratching mats and much more. Our cat accessories are characterized by durable quality and well thought-out design. These practical additions will make living with your cat even more pleasant and easier.

FAQ - Cat feeder

FAQ - How does a cat feeder work?

A cat feeder is an electronic device that automatically releases a preset amount of food at specific times. You can program the feeding times and the amount of food according to your cat's needs. The feeder can be filled with dry or wet food and ensures that your cat is fed regularly and in controlled portions.

FAQ - Why is a cat feeder useful?

A cat feeder offers several advantages. It allows you to precisely control your cat's feeding times, especially if you are at work or can't always be at home. This means your cat is fed regularly and in set portions, which can contribute to a healthy weight and better digestion. An automatic feeder also prevents your cat from eating too much at once and can be helpful in weight management programs.

FAQ - Is a cat feeder difficult to use?

No, most cat feeders are easy to use. They have an intuitive user interface where you can set the feeding times and the amount of food. Some models even allow programming via a mobile app. The automatic feeders are also easy to clean and are often equipped with removable feeding bowls. If you have any questions about operating the automatic feeder, you can always consult the operating instructions supplied.