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Buy catnip: Natural fun for your velvet paw

Catnip - The special extra for your cat

Pamper your cat with our high-quality catnip and give it that extra special treat. Catnip is a natural plant that has an attractive and relaxing effect on many cats. With our high-quality catnip, you can take your cat's play and cuddling experience to a whole new level. Whether it's an exuberant romp or a relaxed rest - with catnip, every activity becomes a special treat for your cat.

Pure fun for cats - catnip as a stimulating toy

Cats are naturally curious and playful animals. Our catnip is perfect as a stimulating toy. Simply fill a toy with catnip or spray catnip directly onto a toy or scratching post and your cat will play with it for hours. The attractive effect of catnip provides fun and variety in your cat's everyday life and at the same time promotes activity and exercise.

Relaxation and well-being for cats - catnip as a calming extra

Every cat owner knows that cats love to relax. Our catnip can help to increase your cat's well-being. The relaxing effect of catnip helps to reduce stress and create a calm atmosphere. Whether after an exciting game or just to chill out - with catnip your cat can calm down and feel completely at ease.

FAQ - Catnip

FAQ - How do cats react to catnip?

Reactions to catnip can vary from cat to cat. Some cats are attracted to catnip and show an increased interest, while others react less to it. For most cats, the attraction to catnip is expressed through intense sniffing, playing or rolling on the floor. It is important to note that not all cats react to catnip, as sensitivity to the plant can vary from cat to cat.

FAQ - Is catnip harmful to cats?

Catnip is generally safe and not harmful to cats. Most cats react positively to catnip and enjoy its attractive effect. However, it is advisable to control the amount of catnip and not to offer too large quantities as this can lead to excessive consumption. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the use of catnip, please contact our customer service team.

FAQ - What is the best way to use catnip?

There are various ways to use catnip. For example, you can put it in a toy, spray it on scratching posts or cat beds or sprinkle it directly on the floor. Observe your cat and find out which type of presentation appeals to them the most. Be sure to offer the catnip in moderation to avoid over-stimulation. Experiment a little and find out how your cat responds best to the catnip.

Katzenminze - Natürlicher Spaß für deine Samtpfote!

Verwöhne deine Katze mit der einzigartigen Wirkung von Katzenminze und bringe Freude in ihren Alltag! Katzenminze bietet deiner Samtpfote einen anregenden und gesunden Spaß, der sowohl körperliche Aktivität als auch mentale Stimulation fördert. Egal, ob deine Katze gerne spielt oder einfach entspannen möchte, Katzenminze schafft die perfekte Balance zwischen Action und Ruhe. Viele Katzen reagieren begeistert auf die natürlichen Aromen und verbringen stundenlang mit Toben, Rollen und Kuscheln. Erlebe, wie deine Katze voller Energie und Glück strahlt, dank der natürlichen Kraft der Katzenminze.

Entdecke jetzt die anziehende Welt der Katzenminze und bereichere das Leben deiner Katze!