Calf blanket - For the perfect protection and comfort of your calves
The "Calf rugs" category offers you a diverse selection of high-quality rugs especially for your calf rearing business. Our blankets are carefully selected and ensure that your calves are optimally protected in every situation. They not only offer warmth and comfort, but also an excellent fit and durability.Calf rugs that offer reliable protection
Our calf blankets made of durable material are a must for every animal owner in calf rearing. They are specially developed for the needs of calves and offer reliable protection against cold, wind and moisture. The blankets keep your calves' body heat in the right place, enabling healthy growth and optimum development.Perfect fit and high wearing comfort
Thanks to our wide range of sizes and designs, you are guaranteed to find the perfect calf blanket for your animals. Our rugs are ergonomically cut and adapt perfectly to the shape of your calves' bodies. They fit perfectly and allow the animals maximum freedom of movement. The high level of comfort ensures that your calves feel completely at ease and are not restricted in their development.Durable materials for use in rearing
Our calf rugs are made from high-quality, durable materials that can withstand even the toughest conditions. They are robust, hard-wearing and can be easily cleaned in the washing machine. So you can be sure that your investment in calf rugs will pay off in the long term and that your calves are always well protected.Frequently asked questions about the "Calf blanket" category
1. which size should I choose for my calves?
For an optimal fit, we recommend measuring the size of the calves before purchasing the calf rug. Make sure that the blanket is not too tight to allow unrestricted freedom of movement.2. are the calf rugs waterproof?
Yes, our calf rugs are waterproof and effectively protect your calves from moisture and rain. At the same time, they allow good ventilation to prevent overheating.3. how can I clean the calf blankets?
Our calf blankets can be cleaned in the washing machine. Follow the manufacturer's care instructions and use a mild detergent if possible.Kälberdecke: Wärmender Schutz für deine kleinen Rinder
Gönne deinen Kälbern den besten Start ins Leben mit einer Kälberdecke, die wohlige Wärme und optimalen Schutz bietet. Diese Decken sind speziell entwickelt, um den Bedürfnissen junger Kälber gerecht zu werden und schützen sie effektiv vor Kälte, Wind und Nässe. Dank ihrer robusten und langlebigen Materialien sind sie leicht zu reinigen und halten auch den härtesten Bedingungen stand. Eine gute Passform und hoher Tragekomfort sorgen dafür, dass sich deine Kälber frei bewegen können und in ihrer Entwicklung nicht eingeschränkt werden. Investiere in die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden deiner Kälber und sichere dir eine langlebige und wetterfeste Lösung.
Entdecke jetzt die perfekte Kälberdecke für deine Aufzucht und schütze deine jungen Rinder optimal.