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Buying a dehorning device: Painless solution for animal husbandry

Dehorning calves: dehorning calves and cattle gently

The dehorning of calves is of great importance in today's agriculture, as accidents involving cattle are at the top of the accident statistics on farms. Dehorning offers farmers safety at work and minimizes the risk of injury to both humans and cattle. Dehorning cattle also offers many advantages from an economic point of view: Cattle without horns can be better integrated into the herd, require less space at the feed table and have a higher sales value.

You can buy a high-quality selection of professional dehorning devices for calves and cattle from us. All our calf dehorning devices meet the requirements of the Animal Welfare Act and have been tried and tested by farmers for decades. In order to carry out dehorning correctly and stress-free, we provide you with useful information on this page that summarizes the key points. You will receive valuable tips on correct dehorning:

  1. Advantages of dehorning calves and cattle
  2. These dehorning devices are available
  3. These two methods are used for dehorning
  4. At what age can calves be dehorned?
  5. Guide to dehorning: Stress-free dehorning of calves

1. advantages of dehorning calves and cattle:

Reduced risk of injury: dehorning the calf immediately after birth makes an important contribution to accident prevention, as the horns of cattle are very sharp and can seriously injure the farmer as well as his employees and other cattle. When calves and cattle are dehorned, the risk of injury to humans and other animals is reduced.

Fewer rank fights: Cattle with horns often have an aggressive and restless character. This leads to an increase in fights for coveted positions. When the horns are properly removed with a dehorning device, the animals are calmer and less likely to defend their territory.

More space in the cattle shed: Cattle without horns require less minimum distance from other cattle. The space gained can effectively reduce operating costs.

Promoting health: Injuries to the horns are particularly common in cattle due to the high number of rank fights. The horns break and the horn tips can grow into older cattle. Ideally, the horns should be removed in the first few weeks of life, as this prevents complications to the horns in adulthood.

2. these dehorning devices for calves are available:

Nowadays, the farmer or farmer's wife can choose between different dehorning devices, which offer different advantages and disadvantages depending on how they work. Corded, cordless, gas-powered and saws for professional destruction of the horn system are available.

Corded dehorningdevice: A corded dehorning device is basically nothing more than a modified soldering iron. More time must be allowed for dehorning the animals, as the heating process takes around 12 minutes. As soon as the dehorning device has reached operating temperature, any number of cattle can be dehorned, regardless of whether the horn system is only isolated or completely destroyed.

Cordless dehorning device: A cordless dehorning device for calves has the decisive advantage that there are no annoying cables lying around that could hinder the dehorning process. The cordless dehorning device heats up to 700 °C within 4 seconds. However, unlike the corded version, you cannot remove the entire horn system with a battery-operated device. However, this does not have to be a disadvantage: dehorned animals where

Enthornungsgerät: Sichere und Effiziente Enthornung für Deine Nutztiere

Ein Enthornungsgerät bietet eine schmerzfreie und stressfreie Lösung für die Enthornung von Kälbern und Rindern. Durch die sichere Entfernung der Hörner minimierst Du das Verletzungsrisiko sowohl für Deine Tiere als auch für Dich selbst. Enthornte Rinder sind ruhiger und lassen sich besser in die Herde integrieren, was zu einer harmonischeren Stallatmosphäre führt. Zusätzlich benötigen Rinder ohne Hörner weniger Platz, wodurch Deine Betriebskosten gesenkt werden können. Mit einem professionellen Enthornungsgerät bist Du bestens ausgestattet, um die Enthornung schnell und effizient durchzuführen.

Entdecke die Vorteile und wähle das passende Enthornungsgerät für Deine Bedürfnisse.