Electric Fly Killer


Electric fly trap - rid your barn of annoying flies

Are you looking for an effective solution to get rid of fly infestations in your barn and yard? Then our electric fly trap is just the thing for you! With our high-quality fly trap, you can protect your animals from annoying flies and ensure a pleasant and hygienic environment.

Yard and stable - the place where flies prefer to be

In the "Stable and yard" category, you will find everything you need for the optimal care and hygiene of your stable and yard. Whether you use a small stable for your hobby or run a large farm with livestock, you'll find the right products here. Because we know that a clean and well-maintained stable and yard is essential for the well-being and health of your animals.

In the "Pest control" sub-category, we offer you a wide range of products that you can use to effectively control unwanted insects and pests. Here you will also find our electric fly trap, which helps you to rid your stable of flies. It attracts the flies with special bait and then traps them safely. This allows you to effectively combat a fly infestation and improve the well-being of your animals.

Fly repellent - protect your animals from annoying flies

Flies are not only annoying, they can also transmit diseases and affect the well-being of your animals. Our electric fly trap offers an effective way to keep flies out of your barn. Thanks to its innovative design and powerful catching unit, it captures flies quickly and reliably. The electric fly trap generates a UV light that attracts the flies and then kills them with an electric pulse. This means you no longer have to deal with annoying flies and your animals can eat in peace and move around undisturbed.

The fly trap is easy to install and clean. It can be placed in various places in the stable or yard and offers a large area for fly control. Thanks to its robustness and weather resistance, it is ideal for outdoor use. It is also energy-efficient and quiet in operation, so it won't affect your animals or drive up your energy costs.

Electric fly trap - your reliable fly repellent helper

Our electric fly trap offers an effective and hygienic solution for fly repellent. It is particularly suitable for stables, barns, horse boxes and other areas where fly infestations can occur. The fly trap is an indispensable tool to protect your animals from flies and the associated dangers.

Order our high-quality electric fly trap now and experience a significant improvement in your stable and yard! Your animals will thank you for it.

Frequently asked questions about the electric fly trap

Question 1: How does an electric fly trap work?

The electric fly trap attracts flies with special bait and then traps them safely. It is equipped with a UV light that attracts the flies. As soon as the flies enter the trap, they are killed by an electrical impulse. The trap can be placed in various places in the barn or yard and provides a large area for fly control.

Question 2: How long does the bait last in the fly trap?

The durability of the bait in the fly trap can vary depending on the model and conditions of use. As a rule, the bait should be replaced regularly to ensure an optimum luring effect on the flies. Information on the durability and replacement of the bait can be found in the product description of the respective electric fly trap.

Question 3: How do I clean the electric fly trap?

The electric fly trap should be cleaned regularly to maintain its functionality and effectiveness. Cleaning is usually done by emptying the catch container and wiping the trap with a clean cloth or brush. Make sure that you disconnect the trap from the power supply during cleaning. Further information on cleaning can be found in the operating instructions for the respective fly trap.