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Wild food: Order natural food for wild animals online

Wild food - Enjoy nature with your farm animals

Wildfood is an essential category for pet owners who want to keep their farm animals in a species-appropriate way and address their needs. Whether you run a farm or simply keep animals in your garden, in this category you will find high-quality food that is specially tailored to the needs of your animals.

As pet owners, it is important to us that our animals are healthy and happy. A balanced diet is of great importance. Wildfutter offers a wide selection of high-quality feed that is specially tailored to the needs of farm animals. Whether you have cows, horses, sheep or poultry - you will find the right feed for your animals here.

Game feed for healthy animal husbandry

In the Stable and Farm category, you will find high-quality game feed that provides your animals with optimal care and promotes their health. Our products are made from natural ingredients and contain all the important nutrients, vitamins and minerals that your animals need for healthy growth and a strong immune system.

In the feed category, we offer you a large selection of game feed for different animal species. Whether you have poultry, sheep or cattle - you will find the right feed for your animals here. Our range includes high-quality feed from organic farming that not only tastes good, but also ensures healthy digestion. We also attach great importance to sustainability and ensure that our products are produced and packaged in an environmentally friendly way.

Game feed for natural feeding

The game feed category offers a wide selection of natural feed products that are specially tailored to the needs of wild animals. Our range includes a variety of wild food types, including high-quality grass, hay and herbs. These feeds not only provide your animals with important nutrients, but also ensure a varied and species-appropriate diet.

You will find various types of feed troughs in the square trough category, which make wild food accessible to your animals and allow them to feed naturally. Our feeding troughs are robust and durable, so your animals will enjoy them for a long time. They are also easy to clean and provide a hygienic feeding environment for your animals.

Whether you have livestock on your farm or simply keep animals in your garden - with wild food from our online store, you can be sure that your animals are optimally cared for and receive a species-appropriate diet. Order today and ensure the well-being of your animals!

Frequently asked questions about game feed

1. which wild food is best for my livestock?

There are different types of wild food that are suitable for different animal species. For example, grass and hay are excellent for horses and cows, while poultry benefit from special grain feed. We recommend that you find out about the specific needs of your animals and choose the appropriate wild food.

2. how much game feed should I give my animals?

The amount of food depends on the size and species of your animals. It is important to follow the feeding recommendations on the packaging and adjust the amount of food accordingly. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service team - we will be happy to help you.

3. what is the best way to store wild food?

Game food should be stored in a cool and dry place to ensure a long shelf life. Make sure that the packaging is well sealed to prevent moisture and pests from entering. If necessary, you can also store the food in airtight containers.

Wildfutter: Natürliches Futter für gesunde und aktive Wildtiere

Wildfutter bietet eine ausgewogene und artgerechte Ernährung für Rotwild und Rehwild. Die hochwertigen Zutaten stammen aus Österreich, sind garantiert gentechnikfrei und speziell auf die Bedürfnisse der Wildtiere abgestimmt. Durch die regelmäßige Fütterung wird die Widerstandsfähigkeit und Gesundheit des Wildes gestärkt, was langfristig zur Sicherung des Wildbestandes beiträgt. Dank der strengen Qualitätskontrollen und der Verwendung von regionalen Rohstoffen unterstützt dieses Futter nicht nur die Wildtiere, sondern auch die regionale Landwirtschaft. Die verschiedenen Mischungen sind perfekt auf jede Jahreszeit abgestimmt und bieten somit jederzeit die optimale Versorgung.

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