Buy rodent food online: Large selection for every little darling
Whether rabbits, hamsters or degus - every rodent deserves a species-appropriate and balanced diet. In the small animal store, we offer a large selection of rodent food and small animal food so that you can find the right food for every species. From well-known brands such as Bunny and Versele-Laga to specialized options such as rodent food without pellets and grain-free - there is something here for every need.
Species-appropriate feeding for every diet
Rodents have a special digestive system and their diet should be balanced. Whether complete feed or supplementary feed, it is important that the grain and crude fiber content is right. Fresh green food, fruit or vegetables and special feed mixtures ensure a balanced diet. Pellets and pressed food help with tooth abrasion.
A complete food bowl
A food bowl full of high-quality rodent food, supplemented with fresh food, provides rodents with everything they need for a healthy life. Cereals and seeds are often the main ingredients, but millet, mealworms and even shrimps can also be included in rodent food. Make sure that the food is offered fresh in small quantities and that no leftovers are left in the bowl.
Special food for special needs
Not all rodents have the same food requirements. While gerbils and rats are often considered omnivores, other animals require special diets, e.g. for diabetes. Our food mixes are designed to meet the needs of each species, whether it's by omitting cereal grains or providing extra vitamin C for animals such as guinea pigs.
FAQ - Buy rodent food online
Why should I order rodent food from the small animal store?
In addition to the large selection of rodent food and small animal food, we also offer advice to ensure that you find the right food for your animals. We also guarantee fast delivery times and high-quality products.
FAQ - Grain-free rodent food
What are the benefits of grain-free rodent food?
Grain-free food can be suitable for animals with certain intolerances or allergies. It offers an alternative to conventional food and can help to promote your rodent's general health and well-being.
FAQ - Rodent food for special diets
Which food is suitable for rodents with diabetes?
For rodents with diabetes, the sugar content in the food should be as low as possible. Special diet food mixtures that are tailored to the needs of rodents with diabetes can be a good choice.
Nagerfutter: Das Beste für deine kleinen Lieblinge
Gesundes Nagerfutter ist essenziell für das Wohlbefinden deiner Nagetiere. Mit einer Mischung aus nährstoffreichen und schmackhaften Zutaten, unterstützt du ihre Gesundheit und Lebensfreude. Hochwertige Marken garantieren beste Qualität, die speziell auf die Bedürfnisse von Kaninchen, Meerschweinchen, Hamstern und anderen Nagetieren abgestimmt ist. Die ausgewogene Ernährung fördert eine gesunde Verdauung und stärkt das Immunsystem deiner pelzigen Freunde. Vielfältige Sorten und Geschmacksrichtungen sorgen zudem für Abwechslung im Napf.
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