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Content: 5 Kilogram (€8.00* / 1 Kilogram)
The best food for your large parakeets
A large parakeet deserves only the best, and that starts with the right food. The large parakeet food from agrarzone.de has been specially developed for the nutritional needs of large parakeets. With a balanced composition that is rich in essential nutrients, our food ensures the well-being and vitality of your birds.
Optimal nutrition for cockatiels
Cockatiels are among the most popular large parakeets. With our special grain mixes, which contain important ingredients such as sunflower seeds, high-quality grains, fruit and vegetables, you can provide your cockatiel with everything it needs for a healthy life.
Best food for goat parakeets and collared conures
Whether goat parakeet or collared conure, every bird has individual needs. We offer high-quality food that is specially tailored to the needs of these birds and provides them with optimum nutrition.
Why the right composition is important
The mixture of food plays a decisive role in the health and well-being of your large parakeets. With a balanced mixture of seeds, grains and vitamins, our large parakeet food ensures a balanced diet.
FAQ - Large parakeet food
What makes a high-quality large parakeet food?
A high-quality large parakeet food is characterized by its balanced composition, the absence of artificial additives and the enrichment with essential vitamins and minerals.
Why is the composition of the food so important?
The right mix of seeds ensures that the birds get all the nutrients they need for a healthy life.
Are sunflower seeds good for large parakeets?
Yes, sunflower seeds are rich in essential fats and vitamins that contribute to the health of large parakeets. However, they should be given in moderation as they are also high in fat.
Großsittichfutter – Vitalität und Genuss für Deine gefiederten Freunde
Großsittiche verdienen nur das Beste, und das beginnt mit der richtigen Ernährung. Mit unseren nährstoffreichen und ausgewogenen Futtermischungen sorgst Du für die optimale Gesundheit und Vitalität Deiner Vögel. Diese hochwertigen Futtermischungen sind nicht nur schmackhaft, sondern auch reich an essenziellen Nährstoffen, die Deine Großsittiche für ein langes und glückliches Leben benötigen. Die sorgfältig ausgewählte Zusammensetzung enthält Sonnenblumenkerne, hochwertiges Getreide, Früchte und Gemüse, um sicherzustellen, dass alle ernährungsphysiologischen Bedürfnisse Deiner Vögel abgedeckt sind.
Gib Deinen Großsittichen die beste Ernährung und sorge für ihr Wohlbefinden. Entdecke jetzt das Großsittichfutter und mache Deine Vögel glücklich!