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Notice: Take care when using biocides. Please watch the information video before ordering online!

Content: 0.75 Litre (€34.99* / 1 Litre)
Content: 0.5 Litre (€30.92* / 1 Litre)
Effective protection with the right spray
Whether in the stable, on the farm or outdoors: with a high-quality spray , you can reliably protect yourself and your animals from annoying pests. A good insect repellent not only provides immediate relief, but also ensures peace and quiet thanks to its long-term effect.
Pest control for stables and yards
Pest control in stables and y ards is essential to keep animals healthy and keep disease vectors at bay. With a special insect spray for the stable area, you can take targeted action against crawling and flying insects and create a secure protective barrier. It doesn't matter whether they are flying or crawling insects. These sprays are effective against all pests.
Effective defense against flying insects
Mosquitoes, wasps and other flying pests can be a nuisance, especially in the warmer months. A spray with a special formula against flying insects provides a quick remedy and ensures that you can spend your time outdoors undisturbed. Simply order online and effectively combat the pests.
Long-lasting effect against insects
In addition to the immediate effect, it is particularly important that an insect spray also provides long-term protection. So you can be sure that you don't have to keep spraying and can protect your pets and yourself from insects over a longer period of time.
FAQ - Insect spray
How long does the effect of an insect spray last?
The duration of effect of an insect spray varies depending on the product and application. However, many high-quality sprays offer protection for several hours to a whole day.
How often should I apply the insect spray?
This depends on the product's duration of action and the individual conditions. More frequent application may be necessary in the case of heavy insect exposure or heavy sweating.
Can I also use insect spray on my pets?
There are special insect sprays for animals. Always read the application instructions on the product and consult a vet or expert if you are unsure.
Insektenspray: Der effektive Schutz für deine Tiere
Mit Insektensprays schaffst du eine sichere Umgebung für deine Nutz- und Kleintiere. Diese Produkte bieten sofortigen Schutz und wirken langanhaltend gegen fliegende und kriechende Insekten. Ob Mücken, Wespen oder Motten, die spezielle Formel sorgt dafür, dass deine Tiere ungestört bleiben. Ein weiterer Vorteil: Durch den gezielten Einsatz von Insektensprays im Stall und Hof reduzierst du das Risiko von Krankheitsüberträgern erheblich. Einfach online bestellen und deine Tiere vor lästigen Plagegeistern bewahren.
Erfahre mehr und schütze deine Tiere mit Insektenspray jetzt!