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🪁 Order rabbit net - safety for small animals

High-quality rabbit nets - safe runs for your rabbits

Discover our high-quality rabbit nets and provide safe runs for your rabbits. Our rabbit nets provide a reliable barrier and protect your animals from unwanted intruders. With our rabbit nets, you can offer your rabbits sufficient freedom of movement while ensuring their safety. Our nets are robust and easy to install, so you can quickly create a safe run for your rabbits. Put your trust in our rabbit nets and give your rabbits the freedom they need.

Fence nets for rabbits - flexible solutions for a safe run

Our fence nets for rabbits offer flexible solutions for a safe run. The nets are easy to set up and allow you to customize the run. Whether you want to enclose a small or larger area, our fence nets offer the flexibility you need. They are made of durable material and can withstand the activities of your rabbits. With our fence nets, you can create a safe area for your rabbits and relax and enjoy their exercise time.

Runs for rabbits - Spacious areas for exercise and playtime fun

Our runs for rabbits offer spacious areas for exercise and playtime fun. The runs are specially designed to give your rabbits plenty of space to hop around and explore. They allow rabbits to express their natural behaviors and strengthen their physical and mental health. Our runs are easy to set up and can be extended if necessary. Give your rabbits the opportunity to explore their environment safely and provide a variety of exercise options.

FAQ - Rabbit net

FAQ - How high should the rabbit net be?

The rabbit net should be at least 100 cm high to ensure that your rabbits cannot jump over it. This height ensures that your rabbits stay safely in the run area and are protected from potential dangers. Make sure to secure the net properly so that it remains stable and secure.

FAQ - Are the rabbit nets also suitable for outdoor use?

Yes, our rabbit nets are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. They are made of weather-resistant material and can be used outdoors without any problems. The nets are UV-stabilized and can withstand various weather conditions. You can use them in the garden or on the lawn without hesitation to create a safe run for your rabbits.

FAQ - How big should the run be for my rabbits?

The run for your rabbits should be an appropriate size to give them enough space to move around and play. We recommend a minimum area of 4 square meters per rabbit. The larger the run, the better for your rabbits' well-being. A spacious run allows them to act out their natural behaviors and ensures a happy and healthy rabbit life.

Kaninchennetz – Der perfekte Schutz für deine Lieblinge

Ein Kaninchennetz bietet dir die ideale Lösung, um deinen Kaninchen einen sicheren und geschützten Auslauf zu ermöglichen. Dank der robusten und flexiblen Konstruktion kannst du den Auslauf individuell gestalten und an die Bedürfnisse deiner Tiere anpassen. Die Netze sind nicht nur einfach zu installieren, sondern auch äußerst widerstandsfähig gegen Wetter und Abnutzung. So gewährleistest du, dass deine Kaninchen sicher sind und gleichzeitig genügend Freiraum haben, um sich auszutoben. Mit einem Kaninchennetz kannst du beruhigt sein, dass deine kleinen Freunde vor unerwünschten Eindringlingen geschützt sind.

Entdecke jetzt die Vorteile eines Kaninchennetzes für deine Kaninchen.