Viereckraufe - Products for an optimal feed supply for your animals
Viereckraufe is the ultimate solution for feeding your livestock. Our high-quality products offer numerous advantages and ensure that your animals have sufficient feed available at all times. Whether you keep horses, cattle, sheep or goats - feeding your animals is more efficient and less stressful with a square rack from of our square racks1. Efficient feed intake: Our square racks allow your animals to consume feed efficiently. The special shape and arrangement of the feed grids ensures even feed distribution. This means that even low-ranking animals can help themselves to the feed without any problems. 2. durability and stability: We attach great importance to quality, which is why all our square feed racks are made of robust and weather-resistant material. This makes them particularly durable and able to withstand all weather conditions. 3. easy filling: Thanks to the intelligent design, filling the rectangular trough is particularly easy. This saves you valuable time during daily feed rationing. 4. space-saving: Our square troughs are space-saving and therefore also fit into small stables and pasture areas. Thanks to their compact design, they take up very little space and enable efficient use of the available space.Feed supply made easyAt you will find a large selection of square troughs for different animal species and areas of use. Our square troughs are available in different sizes so that you can choose the right variant for your animals. Whether you need a square trough for horses, cattle, sheep or goats, you will find what you are looking for at The use of a square trough optimizes the feeding of your animals. It enables controlled feed intake and thus minimizes feed loss. Your animals are supplied with sufficient nutrients and remain healthy and productive.FAQ: Square trough1: How often should a square trough be cleaned? The square trough should be cleaned regularly to ensure hygienic feed intake. Depending on your needs, you can clean the rectangular trough weekly or even daily. 2. Are there rectangular troughs with feed grids for goats? Yes, we offer rectangular troughs with special feed grids for goats. The grids are designed so that goats can eat at the feeding area without any problems, while larger animals such as horses or cattle have no access. 3. Are the square fences winter-proof? Yes, our square fences are winter-proof and can be used outdoors all year round. They are made of durable material and can withstand adverse weather conditions. Ensure your animals have an optimal feed supply with a square run from Our high-quality products stand for quality, durability and efficiency. See for yourself and find the right square trough for your livestock!Viereckraufe – Die effiziente Lösung für deine Fütterungsbedürfnisse!
Mit der Viereckraufe von wird die Fütterung deiner Tiere zum Kinderspiel. Dank der robusten und wetterbeständigen Konstruktion kannst du sicher sein, dass die Raufe allen Witterungsbedingungen trotzt und besonders langlebig ist. Die einfache Befüllung spart dir wertvolle Zeit, während die spezielle Form und Anordnung der Fressgitter eine gleichmäßige Futterverteilung ermöglicht, sodass auch rangniedrige Tiere problemlos fressen können. Zudem ist die Viereckraufe platzsparend und passt perfekt in kleine Ställe und Weideflächen. Eine optimale und stressfreie Futterversorgung deiner Tiere ist somit garantiert.
Entdecke die Vorteile und erleichtere dir die tägliche Futterrationierung mit einer Viereckraufe.