Discover the versatile wheelbarrows for animal supplies, agricultural supplies, forestry supplies and hunting
Our high-quality wheelbarrows are the ideal tool for everyday use in animal supplies, agricultural supplies, forestry supplies and hunting. With a robust construction and a large load capacity, our wheelbarrows offer a reliable solution for transporting feed, bedding, tools and other materials. Whether you use them in the barn, on the farm or in the forest, our wheelbarrows make your work easier and save you time and energy. Rely on the quality of our wheelbarrows and make your work more efficient and convenient.
Transport - easy movement of materials
Transporting materials such as feed, hay or tools can be tedious and time-consuming. Our wheelbarrows offer a simple solution for moving heavy loads effortlessly. With a wheelbarrow, you can optimally distribute the weight and reduce your workload. The robust wheels and stable construction allow you to maneuver smoothly on different surfaces. Our wheelbarrows are your reliable partner for transportation in agriculture, forestry and hunting.
Stable - Practical helpers in daily stable operations
There is always a lot to do in the stable. Our wheelbarrows are indispensable helpers when cleaning, feeding and caring for the animals. With a wheelbarrow, you can easily transport bedding, manure and feed and keep the stable clean and tidy. Our wheelbarrows are robust, durable and easy to handle, so you can work efficiently in the stable. Trust in the quality of our wheelbarrows and make your daily stable work easier.
Yard - Efficient work on the farm
A well-organized yard is the key to a smooth workflow. Our wheelbarrows are indispensable helpers on the farm and make it easier for you to transport feed bags, tools and other materials. With a wheelbarrow, you can move heavy loads effortlessly and make your work more efficient. Our wheelbarrows are robust and hard-wearing, so they can meet even the most demanding agricultural requirements. Rely on the quality of our wheelbarrows and optimize your work processes on the farm.
FAQ - Wheelbarrow
FAQ - What is the load capacity of the wheelbarrows?
Our wheelbarrows have a load capacity of up to 150 kg, depending on the model. This means you can easily transport heavy materials such as feed, hay or tools. The robust construction and high-quality materials ensure that the wheelbarrows are extremely stable and durable. You can rely on our wheelbarrows to handle even the most demanding transportation tasks.
FAQ - Are the wheelbarrows suitable for use in stables?
Yes, our wheelbarrows are specially designed for use in stables. They are robust, easy to handle and offer optimum maneuverability even in tight spaces. With a wheelbarrow, you can easily transport bedding, manure and feed and keep the stable clean. Trust in the quality of our wheelbarrows and make your daily stable work easier.
FAQ - How do I maintain my wheelbarrow?
To extend the service life of your wheelbarrow, we recommend regular care and maintenance. Clean the wheelbarrow after use and remove dirt and moisture. Check the tire pressure regularly and lubricate the moving parts to ensure optimum functionality. Store the wheelbarrow in a dry place to prevent rust from forming. With the right care, you will be able to enjoy your wheelbarrow for a long time.
Schubkarre: Dein praktischer Helfer für Stall und Hof
Entdecke die vielseitigen Schubkarren, die dir den Alltag in der Tierhaltung enorm erleichtern. Mit einer robusten und langlebigen Konstruktion sind diese Transportgeräte ideal für den Transport von Futter, Einstreu und Werkzeugen. Die leichte Manövrierbarkeit und die stabile Bauweise garantieren ein müheloses Arbeiten auf verschiedenen Untergründen. Schubkarren sparen dir nicht nur Zeit, sondern auch jede Menge Energie, damit du dich auf das Wesentliche konzentrieren kannst. Vertraue auf die Qualität und Effizienz unserer Schubkarren und mache deinen Arbeitsalltag angenehmer.
Erleichtere dir die Arbeit und entdecke die Schubkarre, die zu deinen Bedürfnissen passt.