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Content: 20 Kilogram (€1.75* / 1 Kilogram)
Content: 5 Kilogram (€4.18* / 1 Kilogram)
Content: 25 Kilogram (€2.38* / 1 Kilogram)
Content: 5 Kilogram (€6.16* / 1 Kilogram)
Content: 5 Kilogram (€3.13* / 1 Kilogram)
Content: 5 Kilogram (€6.27* / 1 Kilogram)
Content: 5 Kilogram (€3.74* / 1 Kilogram)
Content: 5 Kilogram (€3.34* / 1 Kilogram)
Content: 5 Kilogram (€5.60* / 1 Kilogram)
Content: 5 Kilogram (€5.06* / 1 Kilogram)
Content: 5 Kilogram (€5.22* / 1 Kilogram)
Content: 100 Piece (€0.40* / 1 Piece)
Content: 3 Piece (€1.10* / 1 Piece)
Content: 35 Piece (€0.50* / 1 Piece)
Content: 14 Piece (€3.06* / 1 Piece)
Content: 20 Kilogram (€2.50* / 1 Kilogram)
Content: 20 Kilogram (€1.75* / 1 Kilogram)
Content: 4 Piece (€0.57* / 1 Piece)
Wild bird food: a natural source for our feathered friends
In nature, there are many birds that feed not only on insects, but also on seeds. Our high-quality wild bird food offers these birds a reliable and nutritious source of food, especially in times when the natural food supply is scarce.
Variety for different bird species
Whether robins, tits, sparrows, chaffinches or finches - every bird species has its own preferences. With a mixture of sunflower seeds, peanuts and other high-quality ingredients, our wild bird food meets the different needs and ensures a species-appropriate diet. Blackbirds also enjoy tit dumplings without netting or mealworms, which should not be missing from a year-round diet.
Support native bird species now with selected cereals.
A reliable source of food for songbirds all year round
Year-round feed is essential to provide wild birds with a constant source of food throughout all seasons. Especially in winter, when food is scarce, our food can make all the difference and ensure the birds' survival. A bird house, for example, is ideal for this.
Feeding at the feeding station made easy
Feeding is child's play with our feeders and bird houses. They are designed to keep the food dry while allowing the birds easy access.
FAQ - Wild bird food
Which wild bird food is suitable for which bird species?
There are different preferences depending on the bird species. Tits, for example, prefer tit dumplings and sunflower seeds, while robins prefer fine-grained food such as poppy seeds or hemp.
Why is winter feeding so important?
In winter, wild birds often don't find enough food in the wild. Our wild bird food provides them with a vital source of food during this cold season.
Where should I place the bird food?
A bird feeder or bird house should be placed in a clear location, protected from wind and weather, where the birds can feed undisturbed and are also safe from predators.
Buy cheap wild bird food online now!
Wildvogelfutter: Eine natürliche Quelle für unsere gefiederten Freunde
Entdecke hochwertiges Wildvogelfutter, das speziell entwickelt wurde, um die natürlichen Bedürfnisse Deiner gefiederten Freunde zu erfüllen. Dank einer ausgewogenen Mischung aus nährstoffreichen Zutaten wie Sonnenblumenkernen und Erdnüssen unterstützt Du die Gesundheit und Vitalität verschiedenster Vogelarten. Gerade in Zeiten, in denen das natürliche Nahrungsangebot knapp ist, bietet dieses Futter eine zuverlässige und schmackhafte Nahrungsquelle. Fördere die Artenvielfalt und genieße das Beobachten der Vögel in Deinem Garten, während Du ihnen etwas Gutes tust. Ob Rotkehlchen, Meisen oder Sperlinge, hier finden alle ihre Lieblingsspeisen.
Schau Dir jetzt die Auswahl an Wildvogelfutter an und unterstütze die heimischen Vogelarten das ganze Jahr über!