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Haberfellner Rye Flour Type 997 / R 960

Classic household flour for bread, gingerbread, hearty pastries and spicy dishes.

For the Haberfellner Rye Flour Type 997 (Germany typing) / R 960 (Austria typing) only Austrian rye is gently and professionally ground to rye flour. The Rye flour Type 997 / R 960 is a healthy and popular bread flour for the preparation of strong rye bread, mixed bread, gingerbread, spicy dishes and hearty pastries. The rye is guaranteed to be GMO-free and is strictly controlled for pesticides.

Haberfellner Rye Flour Type 997 / R 960 Overview:

  • For dark bread, spicy pastries and gingerbread
  • 100% natural without additives
  • Made from Austrian grain
  • Guaranteed GMO-free
  • Bakery quality
  • Strictly pesticide controlled
  • Type 997 (after typing Germany)
  • Type R960 (after typing Austria)


  • Rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals
  • Popular flour for baking bread
  • Aromatic, filling and healthy
  • Good baking properties
  • Can be combined with other types of flour
  • Mineral content about 0.91g / 100g


The Rye flour Type 997 / R 960 is particularly suitable for baking breads and for the preparation of hearty special pastries, gingerbread and for the production of spicy dishes such as wholegrain rye pancakes or a spicy quiche. Rye is not only one of the oldest types of cereals, but also makes an important contribution to health and nutrition thanks to its valuable ingredients such as high-quality protein, minerals and vitamins.


Mixed or pure, Haberfellner Rye Flour Type 997 / R 960 can be wonderfully combined with other types of flour such as mix the Haberfellner Organic Wholegrain Wheat Flour or the Haberfellner Wheat Flour Type 405 / W 480 and conjure up all kinds of bread and pastry recipes!


Flour should be stored at home as dry, dark and so cool as possible. Flour is best stored in an airtight container, such as plastic cans, so that insects do not enter and the flour does not take on any odors. It is also not recommended to store flour next to the dishwasher (moisture) or the oven (temperature fluctuations).

The shelf life of flour depends on the type of flour and the correct storage. Basically, white flour can be stored practically indefinitely. Whole wheat flour becomes perishable earlier due to its high fat content.


1 kg
5 kg
25 kg

Country of origin: Austria
Quality: 100% natural ingredients, GMO free
Data according to manufacturer. Errors and changes reserved.

2 of 2 reviews

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1 November 2020 13:25

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Roggenmehl 997 25kg

Da bisher sehr gut zum Brotbacken eingesetzt gebe ich ein sehr gut. Auch die Verarbeitung über 8 Wochen aus dem 25kg Sack war unproblematisch

7 April 2020 09:55

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Beste Investition seit Jahren

Ich habe noch NIE SO SCHNELL meine Ware erhalten! Excellent! Das ist einfach unglaublich, das alles bereits am dritten Tag hier in England...bei mir war! Der beste Service den ich je erlebt habe! Herzlichen Dank für die superschnelle Bearbeitung und Lieferung und die Qualität des Roggen- und Weizenmehls ist einfach nicht zu überbieten. 30 Minuten nach meiner Bestellung erhielt ich bereits die Bestätigung, das die Ware verschickt ist. Unglaublich und 3 Tage später erreichte mich das Mehl unbeschädigt über 3 Länder und das in der Zeit, wo der Coronavirus die Welt zum Stillstand gebracht hat. Ich bin extrem beeindruckt von diesem fantastischen Service von der Bestellung bis zur Lieferung- super schnell&excellent -! Kompliment an alle, die das möglich gemacht haben!

Haberfellner flour offers you the highest quality from Austria, based on over 120 years of tradition and state-of-the-art technology. With grain from regional contract farmers, Haberfellner guarantees sustainable cultivation and complete traceability. An impressive variety of flours - from wheat flour to spelled flour to special flours such as pizza flour - ensures that you can find the right product for every recipe. Trust in the uncompromising quality and commitment of this traditional company and experience how Haberfellner flour enriches your kitchen.

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