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Guinea pig food: buying high-quality varieties

Guinea pig food - Healthy nutrition for your small rodents

Welcome to, your expert for pet supplies and livestock products. In our guinea pig food category, you will find a large selection of high-quality food for your small rodents. We offer you everything you need for a species-appropriate diet for your guinea pigs. With our products, you can ensure that your four-legged friends stay healthy and vital.

As food specialists, guinea pigs have specific needs that you can optimally fulfill with our high-quality guinea pig food. Our products have been carefully selected and contain all the important nutrients, vitamins and minerals that your guinea pigs need for a long and healthy life.

Guinea pig food and its benefits

Health and well-being: Our high-quality foods ensure a balanced diet for your guinea pigs. They contain all the important nutrients that contribute to healthy growth and a strong immune system.

Species-appropriate nutrition: Guinea pigs are herbivores and need a diet that is rich in fiber. Our foods contain a variety of herbs, grasses and hay to optimally cover the natural feeding habits of your guinea pigs.

Lots of variety: To avoid boredom in the guinea pig hutch, we offer a wide selection of different types of food. This means you can always offer your little rodents new taste experiences and provide them with a varied diet at the same time.

Guinea pig food in the rodents category

In our rodents category, you will find everything you need to keep and feed your small rodents in a species-appropriate way. In addition to guinea pig food, we also offer high-quality food for hamsters, rabbits and other rodents. Discover our large selection of healthy and individually tailored food and find the perfect food for your little pets.

Curious? Then take a look at our guinea pig food category and find the ideal food for your guinea pigs. Order easily and conveniently from home and your little rodents will soon be enjoying a healthy and balanced diet.

Frequently asked questions about guinea pig food

1. what is part of a healthy diet for guinea pigs?

A healthy diet for guinea pigs should consist of sufficient hay, fresh vegetables, fruit and high-quality guinea pig food. Hay is particularly important as it provides the animals with essential fiber and wearable teeth. Feed your guinea pig fresh vegetables regularly to provide vitamin C. Fruit should be given as a treat and in moderation.

2 How much guinea pig food should I give my guinea pig?

The amount of guinea pig food depends on various factors, such as the weight and activity level of your guinea pigs. An adult guinea pig needs about 30 to 50 grams of food per day. Make sure that your guinea pigs always have enough fresh water available.

3. can I make my own guinea pig food?

Yes, you can also make your own guinea pig food. However, make sure that the food you choose is balanced and contains all the important nutrients. Find out about the correct composition of the food and make sure that you only use fresh and uncontaminated ingredients. Alternatively, our guinea pig food category offers a large selection of ready-made food that is specially tailored to the needs of your guinea pigs.

Meerschweinchenfutter - Vitalität für deine kleinen Nager

Gib deinen Meerschweinchen die beste Ernährung, die sie verdienen! Unser Meerschweinchenfutter ist nährstoffreich, ausgewogen und schmackhaft. Es enthält alle wichtigen Vitamine und Mineralien, die deine Nager für ein gesundes und langes Leben brauchen. Mit einer Kombination aus Kräutern, Gräsern und Heu ist das Futter optimal auf die Bedürfnisse von Pflanzenfressern abgestimmt. Sorge für Abwechslung im Napf und unterstütze die natürliche Futtergewohnheiten deiner Meerschweinchen.

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