Simply fill hay nets now
With a hay net filler, the daily feeding routine becomes child's play. This innovative tool is specially designed to fill the hay net quickly and effortlessly so that you can always provide your horse, cattle, sheep or alpaca with fresh hay.
Feeding made easy
Feeding is an essential part of animal husbandry. With the filler, you can ensure that the hay is always evenly distributed in the hay net, which regulates the animals' feeding speed and reduces the amount of hay that ends up on the floor. Depending on the application, we offer various high-quality and robust models for wall mounting, but of course also hay net fillers with a stand. We deliver quickly and installation is child's play.
Advantages of hay nets
Hay nets have proven to be an effective solution in animal husbandry. They save space and are inexpensive. They also minimize feed waste, promote natural feeding behaviour and extend the feeding time. In combination with a hay net filler, feeding becomes child's play and makes the work of filling much easier.
Optimum feeding with the feed-saving net
A feed-saving net is ideal for avoiding wasted feed and extending feeding times. In combination with a hay net filler, the hay is optimally distributed and the feeding behavior of the animals is positively influenced.
FAQ - Hay net filler
How does a hay net filler work?
A hay net filler makes it possible to fill the hay net easily and without great effort. Thanks to its special design, the hay is fed directly into the net, saving time and optimizing the feeding process. They can be mounted on the wall to save space or positioned freely with a stand.
What advantages does a hay net filler offer during feeding?
The hay net filler optimizes feeding by making it easier to fill the net. This means less hay is wasted, the animals' feeding speed is regulated and their natural feeding behavior is supported.
Can I use a hay net filler for different animal species?
Yes, a hay net f iller is versatile and suitable for different animal species such as horses, cattle, sheep and alpacas. It is an indispensable tool for every animal owner.
Heunetzbefüller: Effizientes und zeitsparendes Füttern leicht gemacht!
Mit einem Heunetzbefüller wird das tägliche Befüllen der Heunetze zum Kinderspiel. Dieses praktische Tool sorgt dafür, dass du deinem Pferd, Rind, Schaf oder Alpaka immer schnell und mühelos frisches Heu anbieten kannst. Dank der stabilen und langlebigen Konstruktion sparst du nicht nur Zeit, sondern auch Nerven. Der Heunetzbefüller stellt sicher, dass das Heu gleichmäßig im Netz verteilt wird, was die Fressgeschwindigkeit reguliert und Futterverschwendung minimiert. Er ist die perfekte Ergänzung für deine Fütterungsroutine und erleichtert dir den Alltag erheblich.
Entdecke jetzt die Vorteile eines Heunetzbefüllers und erleichtere dir die Fütterung deiner Tiere.