Close-meshed hay nets and hay bags: efficient and economical hay feeding
The correct hanging and storage of hay makes all the difference. With our hay nets and hay bags, you can regulate your animals' feed intake, minimize waste and ensure that feed is always available. Discover the variety at
✔ Hay net for horses
✔ Hay net for alpaca
Hay net
The hay net makes it possible to offer hay in controlled quantities. It regulates the animals' feeding speed, supports good digestion and minimizes hay loss. An ideal solution for pastures or stables to promote natural feeding behavior.
Hay nets are available in various designs, which is why we have a large selection. We have different sizes, close-meshed or with a wider mesh size or especially for round bales.
Hay bag
A hay bag is practical for on the go, whether at competitions, during transportation or when out riding. It keeps the hay clean and dry and allows the animals to eat in a natural position.
Hay bags
Hay bags are the perfect choice for stable owners who prefer clean and tidy feeding. Easy to fill, they reduce waste and keep the hay in place.
Barnyard net
With hay nets , you can efficiently regulate the amount of hay your animals eat each day. This not only saves costs, but also promotes animal welfare.
Hay net filler
The hay net filler makes filling hay nets much easier. A must for anyone who wants to save time and make the filling process more efficient.
FAQ - frequently asked questions about hay nets and hay bags
Why should I use a hay net?
A hay net regulates the animals' feeding speed, supports healthy digestion and reduces hay loss. It simulates natural feeding behavior and can help prevent feed-related illnesses.
What is the advantage of hay bags compared to hay nets?
A hay bag is particularly practical for on the go. It provides a clean and dry storage option for hay and allows the animals to eat in a natural position even when traveling.
How can I reduce hay waste?
By using hay nets and hay bags, the hay intake of the animals can be regulated and waste reduced. This saves costs and promotes animal welfare.
Do you need help? If you need advice on choosing the right hay net, we are happy to help.
Heunetze und Heusäcke: Effiziente und sparsame Heufütterung
Mit Heunetzen und Heusäcken kannst Du die Futteraufnahme Deiner Tiere optimal regulieren und gleichzeitig Heuverlust minimieren. Diese Produkte sorgen dafür, dass das Heu stets sauber und trocknen bleibt, ob im Stall, auf der Weide oder unterwegs. Durch die kontrollierte Fütterung wird die Verdauung unterstützt und das natürliche Fressverhalten gefördert, was das Wohlbefinden Deiner Tiere erhöht. Die einfache Handhabung und die große Auswahl an verschiedenen Ausführungen machen sie zu einem unverzichtbaren Helfer für jeden Tierbesitzer. Genieße die Vorteile einer sauberen und ordentlichen Fütterung ohne viel Aufwand.
Entdecke die besten Heunetze und Heusäcke für Deine Tiere und erleichtere Dir die Fütterung im Alltag.