Heating Potions


Water trough heater - Reliable water supply for animals

The right water supply for animals is crucial, especially in cold weather conditions. Our Heated Drinkers offer the ideal solution to ensure that your animals always have access to fresh and temperate water. Find out more about the benefits and options of our heated drinkers here.

Advantages of our heated drinkers:

1. frost-free water supply:

Our heating drinkers are equipped with integrated heating elements that keep the water free of ice even in freezing temperatures. Your animals have access to drinkable water at all times, which promotes their health and productivity.

2. time and labor savings:

Our heating drinkers eliminate the hassle of manually de-icing water containers. You save valuable time that you can use for other tasks in animal husbandry.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about heated drinking troughs:

What types of animals can benefit from a heated drinker?

Our heated drinkers are versatile and suitable for a variety of animal species, including cattle, horses, pigs and more. They are ideal for use in stables, on farms and in pastures.

How does the heating in the drinkers work?

The heater in our drinkers uses electric heating elements that keep the water in the drinker at a safe temperature to prevent freezing. You can adjust the temperature as required.

Are the heating drinkers energy efficient?

Yes, our heating drinkers are designed to be energy efficient. They consume very little electricity and keep running costs low while providing a constant supply of water.