Marten Defense


Marten repellent - protect your home from unwanted intruders

Want to protect your home from martens and avoid unpleasant surprises? Discover our effective marten repellent solutions that have been specially developed to keep unwanted intruders out. With our high-quality products and devices, you can protect your pets and livestock from the dangers that martens can cause. Trust our reliable solutions to make your home marten-proof and give you peace of mind.

Marten traps - catch and relocate without harm

In our additional category "Marten traps" you will find high-quality and animal-friendly marten traps to safely catch and then relocate unwanted martens. Our marten traps are robust, durable and offer an effective way to control the marten population in your area. With our marten traps, you can easily catch the martens without harming them and release them in a suitable location.

Bait - attractants for successful marten defense

The right choice of bait plays a decisive role in successful marten defense. In the "Bait" category, we offer a wide range of enticing and effective baits that have been specially developed for marten repelling. Our baits attract martens and entice them to avoid certain areas. With our high-quality baits, you can effectively keep martens away and protect your home from damage.

FAQ - Marten repellent

FAQ - How can I tell if a marten is visiting me?

There are various signs that can indicate a marten visit. These include scratch marks on gutters or facades, droppings on floors or in the garden and destroyed objects such as cables or insulation material. If you notice such signs, it is advisable to take marten repellent measures to prevent further damage.

FAQ - How can I effectively protect my home from martens?

There are several measures you can take to effectively protect your home from martens. These include sealing potential entry points such as holes or gaps in roofs, walls and other access routes. You can also use ultrasonic repellents or scents to deter martens. Combine different methods to achieve an effective marten repellent effect.

FAQ - Are marten traps animal-friendly?

Yes, our marten traps are designed to be animal-friendly and do not cause any harm to martens. The marten traps make it possible to capture the martens safely without injuring them. They can then be released back into their natural environment at a suitable location. Please note, however, that the trapping of martens may be subject to legal regulations in some regions, so please check the applicable regulations in your area beforehand.