Shearing Knife Horse


Horse clipper blades - Precise clipping for a well-groomed mane

Discover our high-quality clipper blades for horses and ensure precise and gentle clipping of your beloved four-legged friend. At, we offer a wide range of clipper blades that have been specially developed for horses. Our clipper blades enable efficient clipping and ensure a professional result. With our high-quality clipper blades, you can groom your horse's coat, remove winter fur and reduce excessive sweating. Whether you want to carry out a full or partial clipping, our clipper blades offer precise clipping and optimum results.

Full clipping - effective coat care for your horse

Our clipper blades are ideal for full clipping of your horse. Full clipping effectively removes the winter coat to reduce your horse's sweating and enable optimum temperature regulation. With our clipper blades, you can achieve an even and gentle clipping that leaves your horse's coat looking well-groomed and healthy.

Partial clipping - targeted clipping for specific areas

Our selection of clipper blades for partial clipping is ideal for targeted clipping of specific areas. You can shear specific areas, such as the neck or belly, in a precise and controlled manner without removing the entire coat. With our clipper blades for partial clipping, you have the flexibility to customize your horse's appearance and thermal insulation.

Winter coat and sweating - optimum coat care for all seasons

Your horse's winter coat can lead to excessive sweating during the warmer months. Our clippers help to efficiently remove the winter coat and reduce sweating. By clipping regularly, you can ensure that your horse's coat is always in optimum condition and that it feels comfortable in all seasons.

FAQ - Clipper blade horse

FAQ - How often should I clip my horse?

The frequency of clipping depends on your horse's individual needs. Depending on the growth of the coat and the climatic conditions, it may be necessary to clip the horse every few months or more often. Make sure that you do not clip the coat too short to avoid sunburn or sensitivity to cold. It is advisable to discuss clipping with a vet or expert to determine the optimum time and the correct clipping technique.

FAQ - Can I use normal clippers for clipping horses?

Normal clippers are generally not suitable for clipping horses. Horse fur is more robust and thicker than human hair and requires special clipper blades that have been developed for use on horses. Always use high-quality clipper blades to achieve precise clipping and optimum results.

FAQ - How do I look after my clipper blades properly?

To ensure that your clipper blades last a long time and perform optimally, regular cleaning and maintenance is important. Remove hair and dirt from the clipper blades after every clipping. Oil the blades regularly to prevent rust and wear. Store the clipper blades in a clean and dry environment to protect them from moisture and damage.